Friday, 7 December 2007

Designing a Card for Sensei

Last Sunday, after my dance training, we were given a blank piece of card with the shape of a Merlion. We were asked to write something, like resolution for 2008, etc for Sensei's birthday. We were told to color or do any decoration on the front.

Had thought about what to do. As I am not creative and am unable to draw without any picture, I decided to use craft punch & hole puncher to make a few Sunflowers and stick it on the card. I purposely choosen Sunflower as our dance group was named Sunflower Group by Sensei (if I am not wrong).

I also decided to draw a lady dancing. At first I thought of drawing a lady dancing in the foreground and 2 to 3 small tiny shadow of dancers at the back. I soon gave up that idea as I really had no idea how to draw.

Guess what! In the end, I search for my cousin's Barbie VCD. The VCD on the 12 dancing princesses as I would need to imitate the picture. As I always draw eyes like those in the Japanese anime and comics, I could not draw the Barbie's eyes (aiya, all the facial expression). So I drew my own facial expression with the imitation of the hair and body of the Barbie.

Drew out of boredom

Don't have a pencil and eraser so pardon me for the hairy lines. Drew this on the coverpage of my examination writting pad at my aunt's place out of boredomr. These are the characters on my mum's bag. The big star and small heart were drawn by my cousin, Michelle.

Friday, 14 September 2007

2nd drawing of the day at the opportunity of completing more tutorials and practicing piano and studying...

Did 2 sketches today. Just can't stop myself after I got the Baby Blue Comic Book on Wednesday from an ex-colleague cum friend, MH, as my farewell gift as I left the company. The 2 kids are so adorable. Their pictures at the back cover are so tempting. Making my hands itch to grab a paper and pencil to draw. I shouldn't be doing this but this short break won't kill. Hope I am not being to optimisitic or rather trying to make myself feel better.

Drew this instead of studying, doing tutorial & practicing piano.

Monday, 13 August 2007

Drawing and making Bookmarks for 12 Colleagues (31 July 2007)


Characters from Hamtaro

Chip and Dale

Winnie the Pooh

Hello Kitty

Characters from Precious Moments

Sketch of Esplanade and Ferris Wheel for my cousin, Michelle (27 July 2007)

Representing her school with a few other students, she used this picture to draw for the Mural Art Competition.

Character from Sister Princess Anime

Drawn in my notebook for taking notes during Sunflower Training (from a 1000 pieces Puzzle hanging in my bedroom) (12 October 2005)

Maple Story Fan Art

Combined force with my colleague who wish to enter the Fan Art Contest.

Mouse from Jocie's 1st album

Found it cute so I drew it (29 May 2005)

Tried to draw from actual persons

Cousins' 1st maid aka friend, Ardanita (27 April 2005)

Trying to draw my cousin, Michelle (it's just a sketch)

Sketch from a photograph requested by the girl (15 December 2004)

Poly classmate aka friend aka colleague (2 July 2004)

Poly course senior aka colleague aka friend (2 July 2004)

(14 May 2004)

Poly coursemate aka friend aka colleague (13 May 2004)

Characters from Fruits Basket Anime

(14 May 2004)

(13 May 2004)

(12 May 2004)

(12 May 2004)

(12 May 2004)

Sketch of a character from a tissue wrapping

This was not done very well but it kept me from falling asleep in a lecture when I was in Poly.

Characters from Bananas in Pyjamas

(28 May 2004)

(28 May 2004)

(10 April 2004)

MacDonald Hello Kitty and Dear Daniel Dolls (1st time drawn from life-sized dolls) (Year 2000)